学术素养英语(西南交通大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案100分最新版

Unit 2 Unit 2 Quiz

1、 If your tutor is young, you can address his by his first name.

答案: 错误

2、 When communicating with tutor via e-mail, it is important to clarify what you want from the tutor at or near the end of the email.

答案: 正确

3、 When writing an email to your tutor, avoid informal or overly relaxed language

答案: 正确

4、 In a group discussion, speaking capacity is more important than listening.

答案: 错误

5、 Visual learners do well with hearing information.

答案: 错误

6、 Improve the following subject lines:1) Bad subject line: BrochureGood subject line: This email is from a travel agent to a client who has asked for brochures on cruises in the Caribbean.
答案: Brochures about Cruise in the Caribbean

7、 Improve the following subject lines: Bad subject line: HolidayGood subject line: This email is from a friend sending his/her friend tips about cheap and good hotels to stay in while in Paris.
答案: Tips about Hotels in Paris

8、 Improve the following subject lines:Bad subject line: CourseGood subject line: This email is from a student asking about the dates of the English full immersion course that he/she is going to take at Oxford University in the summer of 2014.
答案: Dates of Full Immersion English Course

9、 Improve the following subject lines:Bad subject line: WeddingGood subject line: This email is to congratulate friends in another country on their wedding and to say sorry again that they couldn’t be there.
答案: Congratulations on Your Wedding

10、 Improve the following subject lines:Bad subject line: ScheduleGood subject line: This email is to say the team should speed up the project, and their new deadline is one week earlier.
答案: New Deadline for Project

Unit 3 Unit 3 Quiz

1、 Please read the following assignment description carefully and find out which parameter for the assignment is not clear. “Your assignment is to write a 3- page paper (5-7 pages, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, APA format) answering the questions “…………” Answers to these questions should be based upon a careful analysis of the cases studied in the articles and class discussion.

答案: Deadline

2、 When choosing a tentative topic, you should find out except

答案: How general your search topic might be

3、 The following sources are considered as appropriate and necessary source of gathering information at college-level work except

答案: Newspaper and magazine

4、 Which statement about CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure is not true?

答案: The materials on it cannot be downloaded for protecting copyright.

5、 Credibility of the sources could be evaluated by asking questions except

答案: Are the opinions in your sources popularly accepted?

Unit 4 Unit 4 Quiz

1、 Read the following excerpts from different genres and determine the genres according to the language features.Undo the shaft-wrench on the grondle-spigot and then insert the mainstay into the cleft on the right hand side of the jack-end bite snap.

答案: instruction manual

2、 Read the following excerpts from different genres and determine the genres according to the language features.Perhaps your best bet for accommodation would be to stay at one of the numerous family-run hotels in the city centre. They are usually very friendly, clean and remarkably good value and most of them serve reasonably- priced food.

答案: travel article

3、 Read the following excerpts from different genres and determine the genres according to the language features.After dinner, Greene sat and waited in his room over the old bakery in Admiralty Street. Down below he could hear the tourists on their way to the evening market or one of the many average eateries that lined the water front – the children were shouting and screaming out of control while their parents called after them not to get lost. How strange he thought, do they think their children would get lost on purpose? Then he smiled to himself – why not, he had.

答案: novel

4、 Read the following excerpts from different genres and determine the genres according to the language features.Zarkon V was situated deep in Sector Two, light years from the nearest United Planetary Confederation’s observation station. As a result, the colony was a largely lawless society and not one for the faint-hearted.

答案: science fiction story

5、 Read the following excerpts from different genres and determine the genres according to the language features.Completed form AP/714 together with transcripts and original qualification certificates must be submitted to the Secretariat by the end of the month. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the instant termination of the candidate’s application.

答案: administrative document

6、 Read the following excerpts from different genres and determine the genres according to the language features.The suspect, a 43 year old man, was arrested at his home in Sai Kung in the early hours of Thursday morning. Police would not comment on the identity of the man but stated later that he was helping them with their enquiries into a recent bank robbery in Central in which three bank employees were injured.

答案: newspaper story

7、 Read the following excerpts from different genres and determine the genres according to the language features.I would like all staff to attend an emergency departmental meeting in the conference room after work. I apologize for the late notice but I’m afraid that we have some very important issues to discuss. Thank you for your understanding.

答案: workplace email

8、 Read the following excerpts from different genres and determine the genres according to the language features.The data was obtained from interviewing 150 year one students about their experiences during their first month at university. The respondents were asked 20 multiple-choice questions divided in to four sections on orientation, course information, socializing and belonging. The questionnaires were administered at the end of September and the results collated the following month.

答案: academic report

9、 Read the following excerpts from different genres and determine the genres according to the language features. Hi there ! Having a great time ! Sun, sea and sand !!! Food’s fantastic and the people are great. Off to the night market this evening and then up Mount Palawag on Saturday – hope I’m fit enough!!! Trust all’s well at work – see you soon. C & E.

答案: post card

10、 Read the following excerpts from different genres and determine the genres according to the language features.Some verbs are used transitively and intransitively with different kinds of subject; the intransitive use has a meaning rather like a passive or reflexive verb and these verbs have commonly become known as ergative verbs.

答案: grammar textbook

Unit 5 Unit 5 Quiz

1、 Which of the following sentences patterns signals the introduction of the Lecture?

答案: What I’m going to cover in this course is…

2、 Which of the following help us identify main ideas and structures?

答案: We’ll examine two contrasting opinions about…

3、 Which of the following tells us that the lecturer is going to move from one point to the next?

答案: From there, we’ll move on to slightly wider applications

4、 Which of the following hints a conclusion?

答案: so, we come finally to the conclusion…

5、 When you hear the sentence pattern “Now, getting back to our main point…”, it indicates that __.

答案: The speaker is going to return to the key idea

6、 When you hear the sentence pattern “In this case however, despite the name of the property…”, it indicates that __.

答案: The speaker is going to give contrasting information

7、 When you hear the sentence pattern“Can you look at the Chart…”, it indicates that __.

答案: The speaker is going to refer to some visuals

8、 When you hear the sentence pattern“Let me give you an example of what I mean.”, it indicates that __.

答案: The speaker is going to further illustrate the point by evidences

9、 “info” for “information” belongs to which method of abbreviation?

答案: Use the beginnings of words

10、 “govt” for “government” belongs to which method of abbreviation?

答案: Use the beginnings of words with the final letter

11、 “schl” for “school” belongs to which method of abbreviation?

答案: Omit vowels

12、 “ck’g” for “checking” belongs to which method of abbreviation?

答案: Abbreviate -ing

13、 “AR” for “acid rain” belongs to which method of abbreviation?

答案: Abbreviate specific words from the lecture

14、 We use different methods to assist comprehension when listening.

答案: 正确

15、 Conversation-styled lectures which lecturer doesn’t rely on notes and bases the lecture around audience response are not academic lectures.

答案: 错误

16、 When listening to a lecture, “sign posts” or “signals” always enables us to trace the development of ideas in the lecture and offers us a clue to organize our notes.

答案: 正确

17、 The meaning of taking notes lies in focusing more on the lecture, and listening more attentively and proactively.

答案: 正确

18、 The skill that you use in extracting main ideas from academic talks is called listening for gist.

答案: 正确

19、 As a active listener, we need to note down everything we heard as quickly as possible

答案: 错误

20、 Distinguish between main and subsidiary information correctly is a useful way to summarize while listening

答案: 正确

21、 When we are doing paraphrase, we usually use shorter similar words or phrases for longer phrases.

答案: 正确

22、 Gist is defined as the most important pieces of information or the general information of a text.

答案: 正确

23、 Suppose you are going to acquire some general knowledge, the first thing you need to do is to make predictions while listening.

答案: 错误

24、 You need to construct your own understanding of what you hear, based on the concerned background information.

答案: 正确

25、 In order to simplify the text, you need to reduce complex sentences to simple sentences, phrases, and even single words.

答案: 正确

26、 When you paraphrase you need to use complete sentences.

答案: 错误

27、 Generally speaking, lecture slides as an outline of the content, help us identify the key topics and concepts in the lecture.

答案: 正确

28、 Taking notes means consider what appears on slides and note them down.

答案: 错误

29、 When taking notes, we need to pay special attention to nouns, active verbs, and adjectives.

答案: 正确

30、 We need to evaluate and decide what is important instead of note discriminately.

答案: 正确

31、 We’d better not reorganize nor revise our notes after the lecture. Because it may leads to misunderstanding and missing of the information.

答案: 错误

32、 We choose different forms of noting according to our own personal preferences.

答案: 正确

33、 Outlining Method requires structuring notes in form of an outline by using bullet points for different topics and subtopics.

答案: 正确

34、 If the lecture involves a lot of facts and statistics, we may use columns, tables or charts to note.

答案: 正确

35、 We need to keep our notes organized and neat, or it will be difficult to review important information from the notes.

答案: 正确

36、 Signal words are exactly what we need to note down in listening.

答案: 错误

37、 Symbols and abbreviations are efficient ways of note taking.

答案: 正确

38、 We can use mathematical symbols in taking notes.

答案: 正确

39、 We’d better not generate our own Abbreviations and symbols suggested from our mother tongue.

答案: 错误

40、 Too many abbreviations and symbols would make our notes difficult to understand.

答案: 正确







学术素养英语(西南交通大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案100分最新版第1张

学术素养英语(西南交通大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案100分最新版第2张