通用学术英语(李丹)(广西大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案100分最新版

作业Unit 1 What is research? Unit 1 Exercises

1、 What is the research question?
评分规则:  The research question is whether the sense of smell contributes to recognizing particular flavor of food when we are eating.

2、 How was the experiment done? (eg. materials, subjects, groups, procedures)
评分规则:  materials : 3 kinds of sweet (jelly beans): orange, blueberry, strawberry.subjects: 10 volunteers (5 girls and 5 boys)4 groups: boys with blindfold without blocking noses boys with blindfold with blocking noses girls with blindfold without blocking noses girls with blindfold with blocking nosesprocedures: Ask volunteer to read the list of choice of jelly beans.Place a blindfold on the volunteers.Give one jelly bean to the volunteers each time and ask them what the taste of the jelly bean is. Repeat 3 times altogether and record the answers.Repeat the whole process again but the volunteers have to block their noses this time. Record the answers.

3、 What were the results? Did the researchers explain why it got such results?
评分规则:  The volunteers got more rights answers when they didn’t block their noses. (When people blind their eyes without blocking their noses, 21 out of 30 answers were correct. Only 1/3 right answers were collected when blocking their noses.)Yes, they did.

4、 Are there anything in this research that can be improved in the future?
评分规则:  2 things can be improved in the future:More flavours of jelly beans should be prepared.Water should be prepared to remove the tastes in the volunteers’ mouths.

5、 What’s the conclusion? Is the hypothesis proved right?
评分规则:  The sense of smell contributes to distinguishing flavours.The hypothesis is proved right.

Unit 1 What is research? Unit 1 Test

1、 Which of the following is the most typical structure of a research paper? (I=introduction,R=results, M=methods, D=discussion)

答案:  IMRD

2、 Which of the following sections explains the question “why the study was conducted?

答案: Introduction

3、 Which of the following sections explains the question “how was the study conducted?

答案: Methods

4、 Which of the following statements is not true about an academic research paper?

A:The information in the results section highlights the key findings of the research.
B:The discussion section often relates the current research to earlier research by
other researchers.
C:The discussion section is subjective.
is more specific than results.
答案: Conclusion
is more specific than results.

5、 What is the function of the following two sentences: (1) An experiment was designed to collect data for the study (2) The questions used in our studies are adapted from the studies by Richards (2004)

A: to show the methods used
B:to show the results
C:to show the validity of the statistics
D:to show the review of past researches
答案:  to show the methods used

6、 Which of the following is not included in conclusion section?

A:a summary of main findings
B:evaluation on findings and comparison with past researches
D:possibilities for further research
答案: evaluation on findings and comparison with past researches

7、 How is the results section usually organized? (1=present data with graphic aids; 2= summarize main findings; 3= present findings in detailed way)

答案: 213

8、 What is the function of this sentence: “The purpose of this essay is to examine the impact on Shanghai of the commercial application of maglev trains”?

A:Give a clear definition of the topic
B: Provide the relevant background information of the topic
C:Introduce the theoretical perspectives the essay might use
D:State the purpose or objective of the essay
答案: State the purpose or objective of the essay

9、 What of the following is not addressed in methods section in a primary research?

B:research materials (tools or equipment)
C: limitations
D:research procedures (steps) and statistical analysis
答案:  limitations

10、 Which of the following is not the function of the discussion section of a research paper?

A:To offer explanations for the findings
B:To explain the necessity to conduct the present research
C:To report unexpected results and explain why
D:To compare the results of the present study with those of previous studies
答案: To explain the necessity to conduct the present research 

11、 Stating the __ of writing the essay is the most important one in the introduction part.

B:present methods
D:review of past researches
答案: purpose

12、 What is the function of the following paragraph in the introduction section?… However, the studies on CBI has focused on its most
immediate effects, i.e., the outcome of one or two semesters in which
content-based instruction (任务型教学) was
provided. Studies on the sustained or long-term benefits of content-based
language instruction are scarce. …

A:The limitation of the previous studies
B: A review about the previous studies
C:The background of the topic
D:The methodology
答案: The limitation of the previous studies

13、 The discussion and the conclusion can be either written separately or combined into one section.

答案: 正确

14、 The body part of a research report is composed of two sections: Methods and Results.

答案: 正确

15、 The discussion section describes the statistical results and the findings of the research.

答案: 错误

16、 Results section deals with the facts, opinions and evaluation.

答案: 错误

17、 The findings of an experiment are usually presented in the past tense, like using “the results revealed that…” rather than “the results reveal that…”.

答案: 正确

18、 Methods section should describe how the data is collected and analyzed.

答案: 正确

19、 The discussion section is to further explain the results. There is no major difference between discussion and results section.

答案: 错误

20、 Introduction section usually goes from specific information about the present topic to a summary of the background information related to such kind of research.

答案: 错误

Unit 2 How to conduct a research? Unit 2 Test

1、 Of the following, which one could be omitted for
the conciseness of a title?

A:Subject matter
B:key words of the method
C:Key words of the content
D:previous studies

答案: key words of the method

2、 Which ones of the following are the right ways to
narrow your searching results?

A:Use different forms of words if necessary.
B:Use * sign to make sure all words are
C:Use “or” to search for two different word
forms at the same time.
D:Use – sign to exclude words you do not
答案: Use different forms of words if necessary.;
Use “or” to search for two different word
forms at the same time.;
Use – sign to exclude words you do not

3、 A topic that is too specialized or too
general may bring many problems.

答案: 正确

4、 You will most likely enjoy working on a topic that holds your interest. But you don’t need to take the
interest of your readers into consideration.

答案: 错误

5、 A research question is the question that
your study or your paper wants to answer.

答案: 正确

6、 A good title does not necessarily reflect
the main ideas of the essay.

答案: 错误

7、 A primary source of material is better than
a secondary one when we evaluate the sources before using them.

答案: 正确

8、 Colloquial language or slang is acceptable
in an academic writing.

答案: 错误

9、 It is suggested not to use personal language, such as I, we, in an academic writing.

答案: 正确

10、 You have to consider the value of your
topic because an essay without practical or theoretical value will probably not
attract readers.

答案: 正确

11、 It is quite essential to narrow down your
topic to make your paper manageable.

答案: 正确

12、 You must make sure that there are adequate
source materials available on the topic you are likely to choose, for it is
difficult to carry out your research without previous studies.

答案: 正确

13、 You must make sure your research questions
are worth investigating. They are answerable and logically organized.

答案: 正确

14、 Raising research questions will not make
your topic more specific and more focused.

答案: 错误

15、 Recent source of materials which give new
information and results are preferable.

答案: 正确

16、 Unbiased publications are more trustworthy.

答案: 正确

17、 It is inadvisable to consider or weigh
different opinions in a certain subject or topic.

答案: 错误

18、 Nominal phrases, subordinate clauses and
passives are preferred in an academic writing.

答案: 正确

19、 It is alright to use contractions of
abbreviation in an academic writing.

答案: 错误

20、 Hedging expressions, or called cautious
language, are meant to avoid being too absolute.

答案: 正确

作业Unit 2 How to conduct a research? Unit 2 Exercises

1、 By what way are you suggested to begin searching information?
评分规则:  by choosing key words.

2、 What are the 3 components for a typical title?
评分规则:  Subject matterKey words of methodKey words of content

3、 What are the 4 principles when we choose a topic which is possible to research?
评分规则:  Interesting Important Manageable Adequate

4、 What are the characteristics of academic writing style?
评分规则:  objectivity preciseness

作业Unit 3 How to Write a Literature Review & Avoid Plagiarism Research Proposal

1、 Fill in each item in the blank proposal.
评分规则:  Whether the topic is interesting or important.Whether the method is manageable or reasonable.Whether the language is correct or accurate.

作业Unit 3 How to Write a Literature Review & Avoid Plagiarism Unit 3 Exercises

1、 1. Is the research in the video a primary one or secondary one?
评分规则:  A secondary research.

2、 What is the speaker’s viewpoint?
评分规则:  Telling someone your goals makes them less likely to happen.

3、 How did he prove his view?
评分规则:  He proved his view by analyzing the literature review in this research topic and quoting other researchers’ results.

4、 Do you believe what the speaker claimed? Why?
评分规则:  Did the speaker use a scientific method or adequate evidence to solve the reseach question? Is his speech convincing?







通用学术英语(李丹)(广西大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案100分最新版第1张

通用学术英语(李丹)(广西大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案100分最新版第2张