现代英语教学法(西昌学院) 中国大学mooc慕课答案100分最新版

Unit Four The National English Curriculum Unit 4单元检测

1、 The first 15 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 saw ____ as the predominant foreign language in both secondary schools and colleges.
答案: Russian

2、 In early 1960s, thousands of secondary school and university teachers had to transfer their subject major to ____.
答案: English

3、 During 1966-1976 the Cultural Revolution witnessed a much more ____of foreign language teaching.
答案: decentralized situation

4、 English replaced Russian as ____ in secondary schools in 1970s and later formally restored into the national curriculum in 1978.
答案: the required foreign language

5、 Since 1978 the development of ELT can be divided into four phases: restoration, rapid development, reform and____.
答案: innovation

6、 Students’ overall development is the motivation and goal of the English curriculum. Therefore, its objectives, the teaching process, the assessment procedures as well as the development of teaching resources should all reflect the principle of _ .
答案: learner-centred approach

7、 The design of the new National English Curriculum unifies both primary and secondary school English into one continuum of development and divides English language teaching and learning into .
答案: nine competence-based levels

8、 The curriculum aims to develop of the students in China.
答案: the overall language ability

9、 Overall performance objectives for each level are given in addition to descriptions of abilities regarding language knowledge, language skills, , learning strategies and cross-cultural awareness for relevant levels.
答案: affect

10、 The assessment for the nine-year compulsory education should be geared to stimulating students’ interests and cultivating their autonomy in learning and the system should include both ____ assessment with the former one playing a primary role.
答案: formative and summative

Unit Five Lesson Planning 回答问题

1、 Principles for good lesson planning are ___, ____. __.__ and _____.
答案: aim, variety, flexibility, learnability, linkage

2、 Macro plannning involvees: knowing about the ____, knowing about the ___, knowing about the __, knowing about the __, knowing about the __, and knowing about the _____.
答案: profession, institution,learners, curriculum/syllabus, textbook, objectives

3、 Components of a lesson plan includes: ___, ___, ___, ___, teaching aids, summary, optional activities and assignment, after class reflection.
答案: background information,teaching aims, language contents and skills, stages and pricedures

Unit Six Classroom Management Unit 6单元检测

1、 Teachers need to learn to play new roles as facilitator, a guide, and a researcher in addition to a controller, an assessor, an organizer, a prompter, a participant and a__ Borrowing Jarmer’s concepts of the teacher’s roles.
答案: a resource-provider

2、 There are rules to follow for making instructions effective. The first is to use simple instruction and make them suit the ____.
答案: the comprehension level of the students

3、 The longer a discipline problem is left unchecked, the more difficult it is to take action. So if possible, indisciplined acts in class should be____.
答案: immediately stopped

4、 I trouble some students ate sitting together, the teacher should ____. The students will behave better if they are moved to the front of the class.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)separate them;
rearrange the seats

5、 There are ____four classifications of question types according to the textbook of A Course in English language Teaching (Wang Qiang, 2008).
答案: four

6、 Classification One is involved with ___ and open questions.
答案: closed

7、 Classification Two involves ____and genuine questions.
答案: display

8、 Classification is made up of ____ and higher-order questions.
答案: lower-order

9、 Classification Four is about____ a taxonomy suggested by Bloom.
答案: a taxonomy

10、 A mistake is a result from a temporary breakdown and self-corrected but __ do not result from carelessness nor hesitation and cannot be self-corrected.
答案: errors

Unit Seven Teaching pronunciation Unit 7单元测验

1、 According to Wang Qiang(2006), the realistic goal of teaching pronunciation should be consistency, intelligibility and____.
答案: communicative efficiency

2、 ____means that the pronunciation should be smooth and natural.
答案: consistency

3、 Intelligibility means the pronunciation should understandable to ____ .
答案: the listener

4、 Pronunciation is an umbrella term covering many aspects besides sounds and phonetic symbols, such as stress, ____, and rhythm.
答案: intonation

5、 The sentence “I want two tickets to London. ” means____ if the stress is put on “two”.
答案: not one ticket

6、 The sentence “I want two tickets to London. ” means_____ if the stress is put on “return”.
答案: not single tickets

7、 The sentence “I want two tickets to London. ” means_____ if the stress is put on “London”.
答案: not Manchester or other city

8、 In the dialogue between the speaker and the listener of “Would you please turn down the radio a little bit?” and “Sorry”. “Sorry” means _ if it was given with a neutral tone.
答案: a normal apology.

9、 In the dialogue between the speaker and the listener of “Would you please turn down the radio a little bit?” and “Sorry”. “Sorry” means _ if it was given with a falling tone.
答案: “No, I don’t want to.” or a rejection

10、 In the dialogue between the speaker and the listener of “Would you please turn down the radio a little bit?” and “Sorry”. “Sorry” means _ if it was given with a rising tone.
答案: “What did you say?” or a question

Unit Eight Teaching Grammar Unit 8 单元检测

1、 1 Grammar practice is usually divided into two categories, mechanical practice and meaningful practice.

答案: 正确

2、 2 In teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that the students can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following the bottom-up model in his teaching.

答案: 错误

3、 3 There are many situations in which we use more than one language skill, so it is valuable to integrate the four skills, to enhance the students’ communicative competence .

答案: 正确

4、 4 Most research has also agreed that there is a positive role of instruction for grammar learning.

答案: 正确

5、 5 Grammar is sometimes defined as ‘the way words are put together to make correct sentences’ or ‘rules for forming words and combining them into sentences’ .

答案: 正确

6、 6 Diane Larsen-Freeman divided grammar into three dimensions: form, meaning and function.

答案: 错误

7、 7. The deductive method, the inductive method and the guided discovery method are three frequently used method of presenting grammar.

答案: 正确

8、 8 In the Inductive method, the teacher provides learners with authentic language data and induces the learners to realize grammar rules with any form of explicit explanation.

答案: 错误







现代英语教学法(西昌学院) 中国大学mooc慕课答案100分最新版第1张

现代英语教学法(西昌学院) 中国大学mooc慕课答案100分最新版第2张